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Guest Post

Guest Post

Guidelines for guest posting 

  1. Your post needs to be original and free of duplicate content.
  2. Simple Hindi, flawless grammar, and entirely original, plagiarism-free writing are requirements.
  3. No promotional articles or blogs are allowed.
  4. SEO optimization is required for the article.
  5. The article shouldn’t be published anywhere else.
  6. The paper should have one of the aforementioned categories as its subject.
  7. The article must be at least 1000 Words or More.
  8. Articles must be original, not the result of copy and paste, and must not be published on any other site.
  9. Please include at least one image with an image source (thumbnail) (the picture is not taken from another site).
  10. All responsibility for articles and pictures belongs to the guest authors.

Accepted topics

We only accept the following categories for guest posting.
  • Blogging
  • Social media
  • Business
  • Technology
  • Design
  • Internet
  • Computer
  • Laptop tips
  • Web design

Rejected topics

The following categories of cases we do not allow on our website.
  • Any porn content
  • Casino and gambling contents
  • illegal contents
  • Harassment and abusive materials
  • Any religious contents
  • Software downloads 
We will immediately discard your content if it is related to the rejected topic.

Please email us at if you agree to the aforementioned guidelines.
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